Kzb files contain contents of your Kanzi Studio projects. To run your Kanzi application on a device, you need to export it as a kzb file.
When user starts a Kanzi application, Kanzi loads the content of one or more kzb files. Kanzi loads the content to RAM and GPU memory when it needs to render it. See Resource management.
You can configure your Kanzi application:
function.See Application configuration reference.
To run a Kanzi application on Windows, you need to have Visual C++ Redistributable x86 for Visual Studio 2015 installed. See Deploying Kanzi applications to Windows.
To create a kzb file from a Kanzi Studio project, open your Kanzi Studio project and select > Export > Export KZB.
Kanzi Studio creates in the <ProjectName>/Application/bin directory these files:
configuration.binaryName = "<project_name>.kzb.cfg"
Kanzi Studio by default names the kzb file <project_name>.kzb. You can set the name of the kzb file in the > using the Binary File Name property.
When you want to permanently remove all kzb files exported from a project select Export > Delete Exported Binaries.
Kanzi Studio deletes all exported files from the directory set in the Project > Properties in the Binary Export Directory property. This command deletes all exported files, including those from other projects.
Kanzi comes with the kzb Player you can use to open kzb files on Windows. For example, open kzb files with the kzb Player to visually inspect the content in kzb files. You can find the kzb Player in the <KanziInstallation>/Studio/Bin directory.
To run a Kanzi application on Windows, you need to have Visual C++ Redistributable x86 for Visual Studio 2015 installed. See Deploying Kanzi applications to Windows.
To open a kzb file:
kzb_player_GL_vs2015_Release_DLL.exe "C:\KanziWorkspace_3_6_3_2514\Projects\MyProject\Binary\myproject.kzb"
The presence of the Screen node in a kzb file determines how Kanzi loads a kzb file.
To set whether Kanzi Studio exports the Screen node to the kzb file of that project, in the > set the Export Project Settings to KZA/KZB property to:
Exporting kzb files using a script
Loading images from the file system
Application configuration reference